Monday, September 30, 2019

Chapter: research methodology Essay

The research was conducted using questionnaires as the main tool of data collection. Questionnaires were used for the research mainly because the research focused on areas and questions that could not be put across verbally through interviews. Advantages of using questionnaires. Questionnaires have the advantage of privacy and secrecy. They were chosen for the research because of the nature of the subject of research (Furedi 2007). Terrorism is a phenomenon that does not go well with many people in Yemen especially after the 2006 attack. Through the use of questionnaires, the researcher is able to be guaranteed honest and true answers unlike other methods of data collection. A total of 304 replies were received from the people. This was a good number and showed that many respondents appreciated the subject of research. Questionnaires are also used because they are easy to be used by the respondents. The type of language used in the questionnaires is simple and easy to understand. Many respondents tend to prefer the usage of questionnaires as they give them ease in trying to answer the questions posed to them (Toolis 2005). They also enjoy the advantage of giving the respondent time to reflect on what they had forgotten and give an answer that they think is right rather than being rushed into giving answers without reflecting on them or without being given time to think. If a respondent is given time to research and reflect on what he/she had forgotten, chances are that he/she is likely to give informed answers, opinions and vies. Disadvantages of questionnaires. In some circumstances, questionnaires could be of demerit to both the researcher and the respondent. Some questions in the questionnaires need explanations by the researcher. Such explanations are normally not accessible as the researchers are always not within reach. Such interruptions may cause the respondent to give information that is not related to the questions asked as a result of misinterpretation of the questions. If such a scenario occurs, the researcher is bound to lose out in the area in which the question was asked and decide either to leave it out or conduct the session again. The other disadvantage of questionnaires is that, they need time for the exercise to be a success. Drafting of the questions, sending the questionnaires to the respondents, filing of the questionnaires and sending them back to the researcher will take some time which would have been used in other useful areas concerning the research. It is evident that respondents will tend to take some time before responding to the questionnaires posted or delivered to them. The other disadvantage is that when using questionnaires, they are bound to get lost or get into wring hands (Furedi 2007). When they are posted by the respondents, they might get lost along the way and not reach the researcher at all. In some cases, they may get into wrong hands thus exposing what was meant to be privacy between the researcher and the respondent. Such cases could lead to breach of contract as the respondent might have been promised that whatever he/she says will be confidential to the two of them. On the other hand, the information contained in the questionnaires might also be distorted before it reaches the researcher. This could also lead to misrepresentation of the information by the researcher thus leading to wrong conclusions and false recommendations about the subject matter in discussion. Secondary Sources of data collection. A variety of sources were used in data collection for the research. Such sources included the CNY’s post-incidence report, documents which as scholarly in nature, government press releases and agencies, the Internet, CNY intranet and other sources that were deemed fit for the research (Cachon 2007). Secondary sources of data collection were used mainly to boost the outcomes of the literature review. The fear of crime and terrorist attacks were addressed partially by the secondary sources rather than the primary sources. There is information that could not be found using primary sources of data collection. This information included the history of terrorist attacks in Yemen and other relevant past accounts in as far as terrorism is concerned. Books and journals were used closely as they were viewed as the most reliable and important sources of data collection. The Internet came in especially where previous researches were to be used in the writing of the literature review and other sections of the research. Scholarly materials were used especially where there was need to compare the views of other scholars against those in the research. Such views were so helpful as they gave direction and focus to the research in situations where it thought to be going out of way (Cachon 2007). How to prevent terrorism, how terrorism has been dealt with in the past, how other countries react to terrorism, the effect of terrorism among other issues were addressed by the secondary data. It is therefore important to say that secondary data could not be ignored in any way by the research. How the research was tackled. When determining on how th research was to be conducted, issues such as accessing the target, the cost of the research and the time available for the research were taken into consideration. The method of conducting the research was one that was intended target the whole CNY’s employees working in Yemen, as well as direct contractors working for CNY. This gave an approximate target of about one thousand employees for the research. The operating structure in Yemen was broken into two field based facilities, a storage terminal on Yemen’s coast and a head office situated in Sana’a (Lakdawalla 2004). The four locations were part of the population that was targeted by the research. The research tackled the intended research problem through the use of survey research, reinforced by interviews and research that also in the archives. Such a wide field allowed the researcher to gather information that was all inclusive and representative. More and more survey data was gathered by the use of a CNY intranet, questionnaires that were self completed, interviews that were face to face and other sources that were aimed at reinforcing the quantitative data gathered with qualitative data and information available. Due to the nature of the facilities and the number, it was imperative to design an intranet based questionnaire for the purposes of data collection and analysis. It was believed that all of the population in CNY had access to the company’s intranet, thus making it a more convenient and reliable tool for data collection and analysis. It main advantage was that a large population of people was able to be reached at a relatively low cost. Questionnaire design. During the construction of the questionnaire, several elements were taken into consideration by the researcher (Chapman 2000). The process was to decide the questions that were to be asked, the wording and sequence of the questions in their precision an also the simplicity and complexity of the questions and wording. The questions were phrased in such a way that respondents found them easy to understand and comprehend with the aim of them not affecting the responses from the respondents. The questionnaires were also made anonymous to the respondents as a result of the cultural sensitivity in Yemen. All the same, there was a section to be completed regarding whether the respondents preferred to be interviewed and if so, contact details were completed by the researcher. It was however found out that respondents were more than willing to take part in the research especially after being assured that the information they provided would be treated in confidence and that they would remain anonymous. Selection and sampling of the respondents. Members from each department were selected and included both the Yemeni and the expatriates (Chapman 2000). They were both asked separately if they were willing to have an interview that was face to face. A formal letter describing the objectives and the purpose of the research was mailed to those members that were selected for the research. The rest of the targeted population was emailed with the same letter describing why the research was being conducted. Interviews were also done thereafter as they tend to offer the possibility of the researcher modifying the line of questioning, then following up with interesting lines of investigation in a way that other forms of data collection methods cannot (Chapman 2000). A structured interview of about 45 minutes was conducted as part of the research collection procedure. The interviews were recorded o both tape and in note form. Due to the nature of the Yemeni culture that discourages recording of interviews, note had to be taken as a cushion to the same. This was done for the Yemeni nationals and not for the expatriates. An email reminder was send to the population that was targeted two weeks after the questionnaires had been distributed. The reminders were repeated after three weeks with the aim of ensuring that all the positions intended were covered. In order to avoid problems with the questionnaires and the interview design, the questions were piloted on a small sample of the population that was similar to the main surveys respondents. Problems encountered in the Research. There were various problems encountered during the research. Problems included those that were encountered during the process of the research and those that came up during the compilation of data and analysis. One of the problems was the difficulty in convincing people that the questionnaires and the interviews were meant for research purposes and not any other hidden agenda (Pun 2002). A number of the targeted population were a little bit concerned about the intention of the research. Given that terrorism is a sensitive area of discussion especially in the public domain, it turned out to be very difficult to drive the point home. The fear associated with terrorism made many people shun away from the topic thus leaving the researcher with very little option (Lowry 2002). There was also the problem of finding the needed information. Due to the nature of the Yemeni culture, many respondents were not free enough to give information that they thought was right. They would give information that they thought could go well with what the questions required and not the real and true position on the ground. This problem led to some information being discarded as it was vetted and found out that it was unrealistic and not practical. The opinion of the respondents could change and even contradict depending with the type of method collection tool used. This was noticed in cases where both the questionnaires and interviews were used on one respondent at different times for data collection. The problem of time was also an issue. The research was to be done within a specific period of time. This time was short considering the nature of the research that was being done. The respondents were far from each other and this needed time to be able to reach all of them for the research. The process of data compilation and analysis took a lot of time due to the fact that three hundred and four replys were to be analysed. The analysis also required some data to be run using the SPSS program which was not familiar with the researcher. Consultations had to be made with the experts in SPSS and other people who had a thorough understanding of what the program was all about (Lowry 2002). This also took some time thus affecting the time scheduled for data analysis. As a result, some of the processes of data analysis were crushed so that some of the time could be used for running of data and generation using the SPSS program (Kumar 2008). The issue of bureaucracy also posed a problem during the research. Getting permission from the relevant authorities which included CPF, BAKPF, the head office at Sana’a and the terminal facility was so difficult. Letters had to be written by the university time and again but still the management found it hard to allow the researcher to go ahead with the research. It was only after several negotiations and pleading that finally the request was granted. The top management feared the fact that the research was aimed at inciting the employees in matters related to terrorism. The effect of the 2006 attack by the terrorists was still fresh in people’s minds and it was feared that any mention of the term terrorism would trigger an atmosphere of fear and animosity. Analysis and Results. The data collected was analysed independently for each of the four CNY locations in Yemen. Different procedures and target hardening initiatives were deployed at each location to meet the specific threat. Separate analysis of each location was used to identify issues that were unique to each one of them as it would be easier to make specific recommendations for each location in terms of improvement (Lowry 2002). Data from national and expatriate employees also analysed independently with the aim that separate analysis would make it easier to identify any cultural and social differences that could arise between the employees and the fear of crime. The CNY information technology department will be made use of in transferring data from the intranet to the analysis software. The researcher involved in this research was a working for CNPY at he main field facility. The rotation was in five weeks’ work at Yemen and five weeks’ vacation in the United Kingdom. The rotation was meant at necessitating god planning to ensure that all relevant data input was complete and accessible during the duty. Al the employees in Yemen work in a similar rotation and so it was vital to ensure that all the back to back positions had access to the intranet with the aim of enabling the completion of the questionnaires (Metz 2006). The work rotations also had their own advantages which included the reduction in the cost of transportation as CNT transport and internal flights would be used by the researcher. There was also the advantage of completing all the research on time and also the fact that data analysis, compilation and writing up of findings would be done during the vacation. The researcher had a back to back in Yemen who could assist with the sending of the late data from the questionnaires in the unlikely event that it would be necessary.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Field Of Learning Styles Is Wide Education Essay

The field of larning manners is broad and affected by several inputs, accordingly taking to different constructs and positions. Many larning manner theoretical accounts are in literature, each is suggesting different descriptions, attack and categorizations of larning types. Coffield et Al. ( 2004b ) identified 71 theoretical accounts of larning manners and categorized 13 of them as major theoretical accounts with regard to their theoretical importance in the field, their broad spread usage, and their influence on other larning manner theoretical accounts. Furthermore, a batch of researches have been carried out in the last decennaries with regard to different facets of larning manner theoretical accounts. Teachers and research workers have realized the importance of larning manners. Educators have for many old ages noticed that some pupils prefer certain methods of larning more than others ( Shell, 1991 ) . Researches on larning manners have found that pupils ‘ acquisition manners affect public presentation in a acquisition environment. Learning manners form a pupil ‘s alone larning penchant and aid teachers in the planning of learning/teaching environment ( Kemp, Morrison & A ; Ross, 1998, p. 40 ) . As stated by Coffield et Al. ( 2004b ) , about 2000 articles have been written related to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ( Briggs Myers, 1962 ) between 1985 and 1995 and more than 1000 publications have been written about the Kolb acquisition manner theoretical account ( Kolb, 1984 ) every bit good as the Dunn and Dunn larning manner theoretical account ( Dunn and Dunn, 1974 ) . Numerous surveies have investigated the impact of larning manners in community college classs ( Jones, Reichard & A ; Mokhtari, 2003, Terry, 2001 ) . Few surveies to day of the month hold evaluated the pupils ‘ perceptual experiences in larning manners and blended acquisition environment ( Lemire, 2002 ; Raschick, Maypole & A ; Day, 1998 ; Terrell & A ; Dringus, 1999 ; Simpson & A ; Du, 2004 ; Richmond & A ; Liu 2005 ) . The surveies about larning manners largely focus on the success of scholars in traditional acquisition environments, attitudes towards larning environments or the rate of engagement in the acquisition environment ( Akkoyunlu & A ; Soylu, 2008 ) . The research worker did n't happen in the literature any probe correlating the acquisition manners with the Maritime Education and Training field. To day of the month, no individual definition of the term larning manner has been identified ; the term larning manner has been defined by many writers as follows: Honey and Mumford ( 1992, p. 1 ) , for illustration, defined learning manners as â€Å" a description of the attitudes and behaviours which determine an person ‘s preferable manner of larning † . Felder ( 1996, p. 18 ) defined larning manners as â€Å" characteristic strengths and penchants in the ways they [ scholars ] take in and procedure information † . James and Gardner ( 1995, p. 20 ) defined larning manners more exactly by stating that larning manner is the â€Å" complex mode in which, and conditions under which, learners most expeditiously and most efficaciously perceive, procedure, shop, and remember what they are trying to larn † . Peoples learn in different ways as the inclination to follow a peculiar scheme in larning. Most pupils have a preferable acquisition manner but some may accommodate their acquisition manners harmonizing to undertakings ( Pask, 1976 ) . Learning manner may besides be defined as personal qualities that influence a pupil ‘s ability to get information, to interact with equals and the instructors, and otherwise take part in larning experiences ( Grasha, 1996, p.41 ) . Learning manners are traits that refer to how persons approach larning undertakings and procedure information ( Kemp, Morrison & A ; Ross, 1998, p. 40 ) . Jensen ( 2003 ) defined it as a preferable manner of thought, processing, and understanding information. Depending on the thoughts and facets of the significance of larning manners, other footings such as larning scheme and cognitive manner are frequently used in a similar context or even interchangeable to the term larning manner. In the undermentioned paragraphs, definitions of the footings larning schemes and cognitive manners are introduced and the difference to larning manners is described. Learning schemes can be seen as short term methods that pupils apply in a peculiar state of affairs. These schemes can alter with the clip, teacher, capable, and state of affairs. When larning schemes are often used by pupils, larning manners can be derived from these schemes ( Pask, 1976b ) . Based on Pask ‘s work, Entwistle, Hanley, and Hounsell ( 1979, p. 368 ) specify a acquisition scheme as â€Å" the manner a pupil chooses to undertake a specific larning undertaking in the visible radiation of its sensed demands † and learning manner â€Å" as a broader word picture of a pupil ‘s preferable manner of undertaking larning undertakings by and large † . Furthermore, they argued that distinguishable acquisition manners underlie larning schemes. Harmonizing to Jonassen and Grabowski ( 1993 ) , larning manners can besides be seen as applied cognitive manners in the sphere of acquisition, removed one more degree from pure treating ability. As grounds of this remotion, acquisition manners are normally based on ego reported learning penchants. For mensurating them, instruments are used that ask scholars about their penchants. In contrast, cognitive manners are identified by task-relevant steps, which test the existent ability or accomplishment. The following subdivision introduces several normally used larning manner theoretical accounts. Subsequently, the deductions of acquisition manners for instruction every bit good as unfavorable judgment and challenges of the field of learning manners are discussed.2.1 Common Models of Learning StylesAs stated before, a high figure of larning manner theoretical accounts exists in literature. Coffield et Al. ( 2004b ) classified larning manner theoretical accounts into 5 households which are based on some overarching thoughts behind the theoretical accounts, trying to reflect the positions of the chief theoreticians of larning manners. The first household relies on the thought that larning manners and penchants are mostly constitutionally based including the four modes: ocular, audile, kinaesthetic, and tactile. The 2nd household trades with the thought that larning manners reflect deep-rooted characteristics of the cognitive construction, including forms of abilities. A 3rd class refers to larning manners as one constituent of a comparatively stable personality type. In the 4th household, acquisition manners are seen as flexibly stable larning penchants. The last class moves on from larning manners to larning attacks, schemes, orientations and constructs of acquisition. Table 2.1: Summary of described learning manner theoretical accounts This subdivision describes 10 normally used larning manner theoretical accounts. The choice of these theoretical accounts is based on Coffield ‘s reappraisal ( Coffield et al. , 2004a ) , including the theoretical importance in the field, their widespread usage, and their influence on other larning manner theoretical accounts. Additionally, the pertinence of the acquisition manner theoretical accounts in engineering enhanced acquisition was considered as of import standard, including the application of larning manner theoretical accounts in already bing systems every bit good as their possible to be used in a system. Since this thesis focuses on larning manners instead than on cognitive manners, theoretical accounts that step the cognitive abilities and accomplishments instead than self-reported learning penchants were excluded. Therefore, no theoretical accounts of the 2nd household were described, where acquisition manners are seen as characteristics of the cognitive construc tion. Table 2.1 shows the selected acquisition manner theoretical accounts grouped harmonizing to the categorization by Coffield et Al. ( 2004b ) and ordered harmonizing to the dependences of the theoretical accounts among each other.2.1.1 Personality Types as defined by Myers-BriggsMyers-Briggs Type Indicator ( MBTI ) ( Briggs Myers, 1962 ) is a personality trial and is non focused specifically on larning. Nevertheless, the personality of a scholar influences his/her manner of acquisition and hence, MBTI includes of import facets for larning. Besides, other larning manner theoretical accounts are based on considerations of MBTI. Based on Jung ‘s theory of psychological types ( Jung, 1923 ) , the MBTI distinguishes a individual ‘s type harmonizing to four dualities: extroversion/introversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving. All possible combinations can happen, which result in a entire figure of 16 types. The extravert and introvert dimension refers to the orientation of a individual. The preferable focal point of people with an extravert attitude is on the milieus such as other people and things, whereas an introvert ‘s preferable focal point is on his/her ain ideas and thoughts. Feeling and intuition trade with the manner people prefer to comprehend informations. While feeling people prefer to comprehend informations from their five senses, intuitive people use their intuition and prefer to comprehend informations from the unconscious. The judgement based on the perceived informations can be distinguished between thought and feeling. Thinking means that the judgement is based on logical connexions such as â€Å" true or false † and â€Å" if-then † while experiencing refers to â€Å" more-less † and â€Å" better-worse † ratings. However, judgement and determinations are in both instances based on rational considerations. The last duality describes whether a individual is more extrospective in his/her stronger judgement map ( believing or experiencing ) or in the perceiving map ( feeling or intuition ) . Judging people prefer measure by measure attacks and construction every bit good as coming to a speedy closing. Perceiving people have a penchant for maintaining all options open and tend to be more flexible and self-generated. The penchants on the four dimensions interact with each other instead so being independent, and for a complete description of a individual ‘s type, the combination of all four penchants needs to be considered. The standard version of the MBTI is the 93-item Form M ( Myers and McCaulley, 1998 ) . The old version is the Form G ( Myers and McCaulley, 1985 ) , which includes 126 points, and at that place be besides an abbreviate version with 50 points. The instruments include a series of forced-choice inquiries, related to the four bipolar graduated tables, and cipher the personality type based on the replies.2.1.2 Pask ‘s Serialist/Holist/Versatilist ModelDuring the development of the conversation theory ( Pask, 1972, 1976a, 1976b ) , Pask studied forms of conversations between persons to place assorted manners of acquisition and thought. A critical method harmonizing to the conversation theory is the â€Å" teachback † attack, where pupils teach their equals. Different forms for planing, planning, and forming of idea every bit good as for choosing and stand foring information were investigated, ensuing in the designation of three types of scholars ( Pask, 1976b ) . Serialist pup ils use a consecutive acquisition scheme. They tend to concentrate more narrowly on inside informations and processs before gestating an overall image. They typically work from the underside up, learn step-by-step in a additive sequence and dressed ore on good defined and consecutive ordered balls of information. Harmonizing to Pask, consecutive scholars tend to disregard relevant connexions between subjects, which can be seen as their acquisition shortage. In contrast, holists use a holistic acquisition scheme. They tend to concentrate on edifice wide descriptions and utilize a top-down attack. They focus on several facets of the topic at the same clip and usage complex links to associate Multi leveled information. While they are good in constructing interconnectednesss between theoretical, practical, and personal facets of a subject, holistic scholars do non concentrate on adequate inside informations, which can be seen as their acquisition shortage. Versatile scholars employ both, series and holistic acquisition schemes. They engage in planetary and elaborate attacks and win in accomplishing a full and deep apprehension. Therefore, versatile scholars are adept at larning from most or all manners of direction. Pask developed some trials such as the Spy Ring History Test ( Pask and Scott, 1973 ) and the Clobbits Test ( Pask, 1975 ) as step for consecutive, holistic and various thought. Some old ages subsequently, Entwistle ( 1981 ; 1998 ) and Ford ( 1985 ) developed self-report stock lists for placing a penchant for consecutive, holistic, and versatile larning manners. The Study Preference Questionnaire developed by Ford ( 1985 ) provided pupils with braces of two statements ( one on the left side and one on the right side ) and asked them to bespeak their grade of understanding with either statements, or to bespeak no penchant, utilizing a 5 point graduated table. Entwistle ‘s learning manner theoretical account ( described in the following subdivision ) is based on Pask ‘s work. With regard to his theoretical account, Entwistle designed stock lists to tap into a figure of dimensions of survey attitudes and behaviors, including besides the serial/holistic/versatile dimension ( Entwistle, 1981, 1998 ) .2.1.3 Entwistle ‘s Deep, Surface and Strategic LearningThe research conducted by Entwistle and his co-workers ( Entwistle, 1981, 1998 ; Entwistle, McCune, and Walker, 2001 ) trades with the engagement of pupils ‘ purposes, ends and motive in their acquisition attack. Entwistle argued that the pupils ‘ orientations to and constructs of larning lead to and are affected by the pupil ‘s typical attacks to larning. The theoretical account is based on research by Pask ( 1976b ) , Marton ( 1976 ) , and Biggs ( 1979 ) and distinguishes between three attacks for larning and analyzing ( Entwistle, McCune, and Walker, 2001 ) : scholars using a deep acquisition attack are per se motivated and have the purpose to understand the thoughts for themselves. They learn by associating thoughts to old cognition and experiences, looking for forms and implicit in rules, and look intoing grounds and associating it to decisions. They examine logic and statements carefully and critically, develop an apprehension of the subject, and go actively interested in the class content. In contrast, scholars who apply a surface acquisition attack are extrinsically motivated and take simply at run intoing the demands of the class. They treat the class content as unrelated spots of cognition, seek to place those elements of a clas s that are likely to be assessed and concentrate on memorising these inside informations. They carry out processs routinely and happen trouble in doing sense of new thoughts presented. They see small value or significance in either classs or undertakings set, analyze without reflecting on either aim or scheme, and experience undue force per unit area and worry about their work. In the strategic acquisition attack, pupils combine the deep and surface attack in order to accomplish the best possible result in footings of Markss. Students who adopt the strategic attack put consistent attempt into analyzing, manage clip and attempt efficaciously, find the right conditions and stuffs for analyzing, and supervise the effectivity of ways of analyzing. They are watchful to assessment demands and standards and gear work to the sensed penchants of instructors. For mensurating the adoptive attack of larning and analyzing of pupils, several versions of a questionnaire have been evolved such as the Approaches to Analyzing Inventory ( ASI ) ( Ramsden and Entwistle, 1981 ) , the Course Perception Questionnaire ( CPQ ) ( Ramsden and Entwistle, 1981 ) , the Revised Approaches to Analyzing Inventory ( RASI ) ( Entwistle and Tait, 1995 ) , the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students ( ASSIST ) ( Entwistle and Tait, 1996 ) , and the Approaches to Learning and Studying Inventory ( ALSI ) ( Tyler and Entwistle, 2003 ) . Since Entwistle ‘s theoretical account is based on Pask ‘s consecutive and holistic acquisition scheme, this construct is besides included in the questionnaires. For illustration, in the ASSIST, the presently most frequently used instrument, the consecutive and holistic acquisition scheme is included as subcategory of the deep acquisition attack.2.1.4 Grasha-Riechmann Learning Style ModelThe Grasha-Riechmann acqu isition manner theoretical account ( Grasha and Riechmann, 1975 ; Riechmann and Grasha, 1974 ) focuses on the pupils ‘ societal interaction with their instructors and fellow pupils in the schoolroom environment. Grasha and Riechmann identified three bipolar dimensions in order to understand the pupils ‘ behavior with regard to their societal interaction: the participant/avoidant, collaborative/competitive, and dependent/independent dimension. The participant/avoidant dimension indicates how much a pupil wishes to go involved in the schoolroom environment. Students who adopt a participant manner desire to larn the class content and bask go toing the category. They take duty for their ain acquisition and bask take parting in the acquisition activities. In contrast, pupils who adopt an avoidant manner do non like to larn and make non bask go toing the category. They besides do non take duty for their acquisition and avoid taking portion in the class activities. The collaborative/competitive dimension measures the motive behind a pupil ‘s interactions with others. Collaborative scholars are characterised as scholars who are concerted, enjoy working with others, and see the schoolroom as a topographic point for acquisition and interacting with others. On the other manus, competitory scholars see their fellow pupils as rivals. They have the motive to make better than others, bask viing, and see the schoolroom as a win-lose state of affairs. The dependent/independent dimension steps attitudes toward instructors and how much the pupils desire freedom and control in the acquisition environment. Dependent pupils see the instructor as the beginning of information and construction. They want to be told what to make by governments and larn merely what is required. Independent scholars are characterised as confident and funny scholars. They prefer to believe for themselves and work on their ain. For mensurating the penchant of pupils with regard to the six acquisition manners, a 90- point self-report stock list called Student Learning Styles Scale ( SLSS ) ( Grasha and Riechmann, 1975 ) was developed. The questionnaire is created in peculiar for college and high school pupils. It is divided in six subcategories, each for one acquisition manner. Each subcategory consists of 15 inquiries. Students are asked to rate their understanding or dissension to these inquiries on a 5-point Likert graduated table. Sing the issue that the manners may alter from category to category for each pupil, two different signifiers are designed, one that assesses a general category, and the 2nd that relates to a specific class.2.1.5 Dunn and Dunn Learning Style ModelThe Dunn and Dunn larning manner theoretical account ( Dunn and Dunn, 1974 ; Dunn and Griggs, 2003 ) was originally proposed in 1974 and so refined and extended over the old ages. The theoretical account distinguishes between grownups and kids and includes five variables where each variable consists of several factors. The environmental variable includes sound, temperature, visible radiation, and seating/furniture design. The sociological variable incorporates factors covering with the penchant for larning entirely, in a brace, in a little group, as portion of a squad, with an authoriz ation, or in varied attacks ( as antonym to in forms ) . For kids, to boot the motive from parents/teachers is included as factor. The emotional variable consists of the factors motive, conformity/responsibility, continuity, and need for construction. The physical variable is comprised of factors sing perception/modality penchants ( ocular, audile, tactile/kinaesthetic external, kinesthetic internal ) , nutrient and imbibe consumption, clip of twenty-four hours and mobility. The psychological variable was added subsequently to the theoretical account and includes factors mentioning to global/analytic penchants, right or left hemisphericity, and impulsive/reflective penchants. For observing the acquisition manner penchants harmonizing to the Dunn and Dunn larning manner theoretical account, different versions of questionnaires were developed. The Learning Styles Inventory ( Dunn, Dunn, and Price, 1996 ) was developed for kids and exists in three versions ( kindergarten to rate 2, grade 3 and 4, grade 5-12 ) . This stock list consists of 104 inquiries which employ a 3-choice or 5-choice Likert graduated table. The Building Excellence Inventory ( Rundle and Dunn, 2000 ) is the current version for grownups. It includes 118 inquiries and employs a 5-point Likert graduated table. As a consequence, a high or low penchant for each factor is identified.2.1.6 Gregorc ‘s Mind Styles ModelGregorc ‘s head manner theoretical account ( Gregorc, 1982a ; Gregorc, 1982b ; Gregorc, 1985 ) is based on two dimensions covering with the penchants for perceptual experience and ordination. Sing perceptual experience, people can prefer an abstract or concrete manner of perceptual experience, or some combination of both. Abstract perceptual experience refers to the ability to procedure information through ground and intuition, frequently unseeable to our physical senses. In contrast, concrete perceptual experience emphasises the physical senses and refers to the ability to procedure information through these senses. The telling dimension trades with the manner a scholar is set uping, prioritising, and utilizing information in either a consecutive or random order, or in a combination of both. While a consecutive manner pertains to utilize a additive, bit-by-bit organizational strategy, a random order manner refers to the usage of a network-like format which relates informations to each other in a assortment of ways. The perceptual and telling penchants can be combined into four basic mediation channels which lead to four types of scholars. The concrete consecutive scholars prefer to utilize their five senses for treating information and are considered as orderly, logical, and consecutive. These scholars look for authorization and counsel in a acquisition environment and prefer to pull out information from hands-on experiences. The concrete random scholars are characterised by the demand to experiment with thoughts and constructs and will use trial-and-error in larning. They like to research the acquisition environment, are considered as insightful, can easy travel from facts to theory, and do non like important intercessions. The abstract consecutive scholars have their strengths in the country of decrypting written, verbal, and image symbols. They prefer rational and consecutive presentations and are good in synthesizing thoughts and bring forthing new constructs or results to new decisions. They will postpone to authorization and has a low tolerance for distractions. The abstract random scholars are characterised by a acute consciousness of human behavior and an ability to measure and construe atmosphere and temper. They prefer an unstructured acquisition environment and coactions with others, are good in seeing relationships, tend to be brooding and need clip to treat informations before responding to it. A more elaborate description about the features and penchants of the four types of scholars is provided by Gregorc ( 1982a ; 1982b ) . The Gregorc Style Delineator ( Gregorc, 1982b ; Gregorc, 1985 ) is a self-report instrument to observe scholars ‘ penchants for the two dimensions and therefore their preferable channels. The instrument presents the pupils with 40 words arranged in 10 columns of four points each. The scholars are so asked to rank the four words relative to how they fit to themselves ( 1 for being least and 4 for being most like themselves ) . Tonss for each of the four scholar types can run from 10 to 40, calculated by sum ming up the ranks of the several words for each channel.2.1.7 Kolb ‘s Learning Style ModelThe learning manner theory by Kolb ( 1984 ) is based on the Experiential Learning Theory ( for illustration, Kolb, 1984 ) , which theoretical accounts the acquisition procedure and incorporates the of import function of experience in this procedure. Following this theory, acquisition is conceived as a four-stage rhythm. Concrete experience is the footing for observations and contemplations. These observations are used to organize abstract constructs and generalisations, which once more act as footing for proving executions of constructs in new state of affairss. Testing executions consequences in concrete experience, which closes the learning rhythm. Harmonizing to this theory, scholars need four abilities for effectual acquisition: a ) Concrete Experience abilities, B ) Reflective Observation abilities, degree Celsius ) Abstract Conceptualization abilities, and vitamin D ) Active Experimentation abilities. On closer scrutiny, there are two polar opposite dimensions: concrete/abstract and active/reflective. Kolb ( 1981 ) described that â€Å" as a consequence of our familial equipment, our peculiar past life experience, and the demands of our present environment, most of us develop larning manners that emphasize some acquisition abilities over others † . Based on this premise, Kolb identified four statistically prevailing types of acquisition manners. Convergers ‘ dominant abilities are abstract conceptualisation and active experimentation. Therefore, their strengths lie in the practical applications of thoughts. The name â€Å" Convergers † is based on Hudson ‘s theory of thought manners ( Hudson, 1966 ) , where convergent minds are people who are good in garnering information and facts and seting them together to happen a individual correct reply to a specific job. In contrast, Divergers excel in the opposite poles of the two dimensions, viz. concrete experimentation and brooding observation. They are good in sing concrete state of affairss in many different positions and in forming relationships to a meaningful form. Harmonizing to Hudson, a dominant strength of Divergers is to bring forth thoughts and hence, Divergers tend to be more originative. Learners excel in abstract conceptualisation and brooding observation. Their greatest strength lies in making theoretical theoretical accounts. They are good in inductive logical thinking and in absorbing disparate observations into an incorporate account. Obligers have the opposite strengths to Learners. Their dominant abilities are concrete experience and active experimentation. Their strengths prevarication in making things actively, transporting out programs and experiments, and going involved in new experiences. They are besides characterized as risk-takers and as people who excel in state of affairss that call for version to specific immediate fortunes. For placing larning manners based on Kolb ‘s learning manner theoretical account, the Learning Style Inventory ( LSI ) was developed ( Kolb, 1976 ) and revised several times. The current version of LSI ( Kolb and Kolb, 2005 ) uses a forced-choice ranking method to measure an person ‘s preferable manners of acquisition ( Concrete Experience, Reflective Observation, Abstract Conceptualization and Active Experimentation ) . Persons are asked to finish 12 sentences about their preferable manner of larning. Each sentence has four terminations and the persons are asked to rank the terminations harmonizing to what best describes how they learn ( 4 = most like you ; 1 = least like you ) . The consequences of the LSI indicate the persons ‘ penchants for the four manners. Furthermore, their mark for the active/reflective and concrete /abstract dimensions can be derived from the preferable manners, which once more lead to the preferable type of larning manner.2.1.8 Honey and Mumford ‘s Learning Style ModelThe acquisition manner theoretical account by Honey and Mumford ( 1982 ) is based on Kolb ‘s Experiential Learning Theory ( for illustration, Kolb, 1984 ) and is developed farther on the four types of Kolb ‘s learning manner theoretical account ( Kolb, 1984 ) . The active/reflective and concrete/abstract dimensions are strongly involved in the defined types as good. Furthermore, Honey and Mumford stated that â€Å" the similarities between his theoretical account [ Kolb ‘s theoretical account ] and ours are greater than the differences † ( Honey and Mumford, 1992 ) . In Honey and Mumford ‘s learning manner theoretical account the types are called: Militant ( similar to Accommodator ) , Theorist ( similar to Assimilator ) , Pragmatist ( similar to Converger ) , and Reflector ( similar to Diverger ) . Militants involve themselves to the full in new experiences, are enthusiastic about anything new, and larn best by making something actively. Theorists excel in accommodating and incorporating observations into theories. They need theoretical accounts, constructs, and facts in order to prosecute in the acquisition procedure. Pragmatists are interested in existent universe applications of the erudite stuff. They like to seek out and experiment on thoughts, theories, and techniques to see if they work in pattern. Reflectors are people who like to detect other people and their experiences from many different positions and reflect about them exhaustively before coming to a decision. For Reflectors, larning occurs chiefly by detecting and analysing the ascertained experiences. The Learning Style Questionnaire ( LSQ ) , a self-report stock list for placing larning manners based on the Honey and Mumford larning manner theoretical account, every bit good as its manual was ab initio developed in 1982 ( Honey and Mumford, 1982 ) , revised in 1992 ( Honey and Mumford, 1992 ) and so replaced in 2000 ( Honey and Mumford, 2000 ) and onc e more revised in 2006 ( Honey and Mumford, 2006 ) . Presently, two versions of the LSQ exist, one with 80 points and one with 40 points.2.1.9 Herrmann â€Å" Whole Brain † ModelThe Herrmann â€Å" Whole Brain † theoretical account ( Herrmann, 1989 ) is based on the split-brain research carried out by Roger Sperry ( 1964 ) , dividing the encephalon in the left and right intellectual hemispheres. In add-on, the Herrmann â€Å" Whole Brain † theoretical account considers, following MacLean ( 1952 ) , the hypothesized maps of the encephalon ‘s limbic system. Consequently, persons are modeled with regard to how they process information utilizing either a intellectual manner, by believing about the job, or a limbic manner, which is a more active attack based on experimentation. The Herrmann â€Å" Whole Brain † theoretical account distinguishes between four manners or quarter-circles. Learners who have a primary penchant for quarter-circle A ( left hemisphere, intellectual ) prefer logical, analytical, mathematical, proficient thought and can be considered as quantitative, factual, and critical. Learners with a primary penchant for quarter-circle B ( left hemisphere, limbic ) tend to be consecutive and organized, like inside informations, construction and programs and have a structured, organisational and controlled thought manner. Learners with a primary penchant for the quadrant C ( right hemisphere, limbic ) are characterized as emotional, interpersonal, centripetal, kinaesthetic, and musical. Learners who have a primary penchant for quadrant D ( right hemisphere, intellectual ) tend to be ocular, holistic, and advanced and prefer conceptual, synthesizing, and inventive thought. For placing the preferable quarter-circle, the Herrmann Brain Dominan ce Instrument ( HBDI ) was developed ( Herrmann, 1989 ) . The HBDI is a self-report stock list, incorporating 120 inquiries. As a consequence of the HBDI, a encephalon laterality profile is calculated, which shows the primary, secondary and third penchants.2.1.10 Felder-Silverman Learning Style ModelIn Felder-Silverman acquisition manner theoretical account ( FSLSM ) ( Felder and Silverman, 1988 ) , scholars are characterized by values on four dimensions. These dimensions are based on major dimensions in the field of larning manners and can be viewed independently from each other. They show how scholars prefer to treat ( active/reflective ) , perceive ( sensing/intuitive ) , receive ( verbal/visual ) , and understand ( sequential/global ) information. While these dimensions are non new in the field of larning manners, the manner in which they describe a learning manner of a pupil can be seen as new. While most learning manner theoretical accounts, which include two or more dimension s, derive statistically prevailing scholar types from these dimensions, such as the theoretical accounts by Myers-Briggs ( Briggs Myers, 1962 ) , Gregorc ( 1982a ) , Kolb ( 1984 ) , and Honey and Mumford ( 1982 ) , Felder and Silverman describe the acquisition manners by utilizing graduated tables from +11 to -11 for each dimension ( including merely uneven values ) . Therefore, the learning manner of each scholar is characterized by four values between +11 and -11, one for each dimension. These graduated tables facilitate depicting the acquisition manner penchants in more item, whereas edifice scholar types does non let separating between the strength of the penchant. Additionally, the use of graduated tables allows showing balanced penchants, bespeaking that a scholar does non hold a specific penchant for one of the two poles of a dimension. Furthermore, Felder and Silverman consider the ensuing penchants as inclinations, intending that even a scholar with a strong penchant for a peculiar acquisition manner can move sometimes otherwise. The active/reflective dimension is correspondent to the several dimension in Kolb ‘s theoretical account ( 1984 ) . Active scholars learn best by working actively with the larning stuff, by using the stuff, and by seeking things out. Furthermore, they tend to be more interested in pass oning with others and prefer to larn by working in groups where they can discourse about the erudite stuff. In contrast, brooding scholars prefer to believe about and reflect on the stuff. Sing communicating, they prefer to work entirely or in a little group together with one good friend. The sensing/intuitive dimension is taken from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ( Briggs Myers, 1962 ) and has besides similarities to the sensing/intuitive dimension in Kolb ‘s theoretical account ( Kolb, 1984 ) . Learners with a feeling learning manner like to larn facts and concrete larning stuff, utilizing their centripetal experiences of peculiar cases as a primary beginning. They like to work out jobs with standard attacks and besides be given to be more patient with inside informations. Furthermore, feeling scholars are considered as more realistic and reasonable ; they tend to be more practical than intuitive scholars and like to associate the erudite stuff to the existent universe. In contrast, intuitive scholars prefer to larn abstract larning stuff, such as theories and their implicit in significances, with general rules instead than concrete cases being a preferable beginning of information. They like to detect possibilities and relationships and be given to be more advanced and originative than feeling scholars. Therefore, they score better in open-ended trials than in trials with a individual reply to a job. This dimension differs from the active/reflective dimension in an of import manner: the sensing/intuitive dimension trades with the preferable beginning of information whereas the active/reflective dimension covers the procedure of transforming the sensed information into cognition. The 3rd, visual/verbal dimension trades with the preferable input manner. The dimension differentiates scholars who remember best what they have seen ( e.g. , images, diagrams, flow-charts and so on ) , from scholars who get more out of textual representations, irrespective of the fact whether they are written or spoken. In the 4th dimension, scholars are distinguished between a consecutive and planetary manner of understanding. This dimension is based on the acquisition manner theoretical account by Pask ( 1976b ) , where consecutive scholars refer to consecutive scholars and planetary scholars refer to holistic scholars. Consecutive scholars learn in little incremental stairss and hence have a additive acquisition advancement. They tend to follow logical stepwise waies in happening solutions. In contrast, planetary scholars use a holistic thought procedure and learn in big springs. They tend to absorb larning material about indiscriminately without seeing connexions but after they have learned adequate stuff they all of a sudden get the whole image. Then they are able to work out complex jobs and set things together in fresh ways ; nevertheless, they have troubles in explicating how they did it. Because the whole image is of import for planetary scholars, they tend to be more interested in overviews and in a wide cognition, whereas consecutive scholars are more interested in inside informations. For placing larning manners based on the FSLSM, Felder and Soloman developed the Index of Learning Styles ( ILS ) ( Felder and Soloman, 1997 ) , a 44-item questionnaire. As mentioned earlier, each scholar has a personal penchant for each dimension. These penchants are expressed with values between +11 to -11 per dimension, with stairss +/-2. This scope comes from the 11 inquiries that are posed for each dimension.2.2 Deductions of Learning Styles in EducationMany educational theoreticians and research workers consider larning manners as an of import factor in the acquisition procedure and agree that integrating them in instruction has possible to do acquisition easier for pupils. Furthermore, Felder, for illustration, argued that scholars with a strong penchant for a specific larning manner might hold troubles in larning if their acquisition manner is non supported by the instruction environment ( Felder and Silverman, 1988 ; Felder and Soloman, 1997 ) . Therefore, from a theoretical facet, it can be argued that integrating the acquisition manners of pupils makes larning easier for them and increases their learning efficiency. On the other manus, scholars who are non supported by the acquisition environment may see jobs in the acquisition procedure. Learning manners can be considered in different ways in instruction. A first measure is to do scholars aware of their acquisition manners and demo them their single strengths and failings. The cognition about their acquisition manners helps pupils to understand why acquisition is sometimes hard for them and is the footing for developing their failings. Furthermore, pupils can be supported by fiting the learning manner with the acquisition manners of the pupils. Due to the nature of larning manners, supplying pupils with larning stuff and activities that fit their preferable ways of larning seems to hold high potency to do acquisition easier for them. However, the fiting attack purposes at a short-run end, viz. to do acquisition as easy as possible at the clip pupils are larning. Looking at long-run ends, educational theoreticians such as Messick ( 1976 ) , Kolb ( 1984 ) and Grasha ( 1984 ) suggested that scholars should besides develop their not-preferred accomplishments and penchant s. Messick argued that when scholars get more educational experience, they are required to accommodate to a assortment of instructional methods and manners. The ability to accommodate to different instructional manners will fix them with of import life accomplishments. For illustration, supplying verbal scholars with merely ocular signifiers of direction forces them to develop and utilize ocular accomplishments. For Grasha, the mismatching attack is relevant in order to do larning interesting and disputing for pupils and Kolb argued that the educational aims for mismatching are personal growing and creativeness. However, in Gregorc ‘s theoretical account, larning manners are seen as stable, and hence he argued that a mismatched attack can harm pupils ( Gregorc, 2002 ) . Felder advises against the unwilled, lasting mismatch of learning manners and larning manners, where instructors are incognizant of their ain acquisition manners and may, as a consequence, Teach merely harmoniz ing to this manner, therefore prefering certain pupils and disadvantages others ( Felder, 1993 ) . Sum uping these facets, decision can be drawn that the mismatching attack should be applied deliberately and depending on the applied learning manner theoretical account every bit good as on the scholar ‘s demands. In an environment, where pupils get their single acquisition stuff and activities, the matching and the mismatching attacks can be applied in a regulated method, depending on specific fortunes such as the current acquisition end, the experience of the scholar in a specific topic, their motive and so on. A less intensive attack for instructors is to back up their scholars by including larning stuff and activities in their classs that address different acquisition manners instead than learning in a manner that contain merely one acquisition manner. For illustration, if the larning stuff consists chiefly of abstract stuff, instructors can include some concrete illustrations to back up a sensing/concrete acquisition manner or if the instructor is chiefly talking in the c lass, he/she can see adding some group work activities in order to back up active scholar. By following different acquisition manners, some activities match with the pupil ‘s strength and some other with their failing. Consequently, the composing is non controlled since the class is the same for all pupils.2.3 Learning Styles CritiqueThe field of larning manner is multifaceted and although batch of researches had been conducted, of import inquiries are still unreciprocated and problematic issues are under argument. The challenge is to clear up these problematic issues, reply the unfastened inquiries and supply a clear apprehension. Presently, plentifulness of larning manner theoretical accounts exists, each incorporating some facets of acquisition, and some of them overlapping with each other. Such sum of larning manner theoretical accounts leads to unfavorable judgment and the inquiry on how to incorporate all different dimensions of larning manners in instruction, from a practical position, which larning manner theoretical account is most appropriate and shall be used with the plebes developing onboard the preparation vas. Furthermore, the similarities and relationship between these different acquisition manner theoretical accounts and dimensions are largely non elaborated. Consequently, a challenge of the field of larning manners is to transport out research that involves all learning manner theoretical accounts and dimensions, fetch lucidity in its relationships to each other every bit good as to other relevant factors of acquisition ( e.g. , cognitive manners and cognitive abilities ) , measure them in order to detect major larning manner models/dimensions, and construct up a holistic theoretical account that integrates all relevant facets of larning manners. Furthermore, problematic issues such as the inquiry whether acquisition manners are stable or non over clip, capable and environment should be clarified. Depending on the basic thoughts behind the learning manner theoretical accounts, theoreticians made different point of positions for the grade of stableness within their learning manner theoretical accounts. The utmost theoreticians in this aspect province that larning manners similar to larning schemes, therefore as flexible and mutable from context to context and even from undertaking to undertaking. Some theoreticians see larning manners as â€Å" flexibly stable † , reasoning that old larning experiences and other environmental factors form the acquisition manners of pupils. Others link larning manners strongly to cognitive manners and abilities and argue that they are stable over a long period of clip or even see them as God-given and non mutable. However, based on the incorporation of peculiar dimensions in different theoretical accounts with different thoughts about the stableness, controversial issues occur. For illustration, the consecutive and holistic acquisition manner by Pask ( 1976b ) is related to the consecutive and random manner by Gregorc ( 1982a ) . However, Pask considers the dimension as comparatively flexible while Gregorc claims that the acquisition manners are non mutable. Therefore, future research is needed in order to cast visible radiation on the stableness of specific dimensions every bit good as larning manner theoretical accounts. Another issue of unfavorable judgment trades with the deductions of larning manners in instruction. While the effectivity of the duplicate attack seems to be insightful and is one of the really popular recommendations supported by educational theories, inconsistent consequences are obtained by surveies covering with analyzing the contemplation on accomplishment when supplying matched and mismatched instructions for scholars with different larning manners. Yet the overall feeling is that even if the construct of larning manner were acceptable, the chance of matching is unrealistic and mostly unsupported by research ( Doyle and Rutherford, 1984 ; see besides Candy, 1987 and Curry, 1983 ) . In a utile reappraisal of the assimilation of cognitive manner into grownup instruction, Joughin ( 1992 ) criticizes the premise that fiting will heighten acquisition as simplistic, disregarding â€Å" both the possible value of creatively mismatching instructor and scholar and the ambiguous results of research on fiting itself ( p.7 ) , a position shared by Ruble and Stout ( 1993 ) in peculiar mention to LSI. Presently, no undisputed and difficult grounds exist that larning manner fiting attack has a important positive consequence on the pupils ‘ accomplishment ( Coffield et al. , 2004b ) . As Jonassen and Grabowski ( 1993 ) summarized, several grounds for such inconsistent consequences are known in the field of aptitude-treatment interaction ( ATI ) research. Restrictions might include â€Å" little samples size, abbreviated interventions, specialized aptitude concepts or standardised trials, and a deficiency of conceptual or theoretical linkage between aptitudes and the information-processing demands of the intervention † ( Jonassen and Grabowski, 1993, p. 28 ) . This decision shows that more research is required to acquire a clear consequence about the consequence of specific larning manners and other factors on accomplishment. However, the chief unfavorable judgment sing the matching attack is that it is merely â€Å" unrealistic, given the demands of flexibleness it would do on instructors and trainers † ( Reynolds, 1997, p. 121 ) . In traditional acquisition, instructors would hold to routinely alter their instruction manner to suit the different acquisition manners in a category. Therefore, the feasibleness of the duplicate attack is depending on the figure of pupils and on the adopted acquisition manner theoretical account. Pask ( 1976b ) , for illustration, distinguishes between three larning manners, Honey and Mumford ( 1982 ) suggest four types of scholars, the Myers- Briggs Type Indicator ( Briggs Myers, 1962 ) includes 16 different types and in the Felder- Silverman larning manner theoretical account ( Felder and Silverman, 1988 ) , scholars can hold up to 625 ( =54 ) different larning manners when set uping each of the four dimensions into five groups ( e.g. , strong active, moderate activ e, balanced, moderate reflective, strong reflective ) . Therefore, instructors might non hold the capacity to supply each scholar with an single combination of larning stuff and activities every bit shortly as the figure of pupils and the figure of different acquisition manners addition. However, in MET ISSP as engineering enhanced acquisition, altering the instruction manners for each pupil and hence orienting classs to the single demands of pupils is possible, even for a high figure of different acquisition manners and about independent on the figure of pupils. Lot of research is done in the country of adaptative educational systems, and late more and more research trades with personal features of scholars, such as acquisition manners ( Sabine, 2007 ) . In Chapter XXX, a description on adaptative educational systems integrating learning manners is provided and in Chapter XXX, an attack for the proposed Maritime Self Study Program associated with adaptative educational systems in o rder to supply adaptative maritime classs for the deck plebes with regard to the Felder-Silverman acquisition manner theoretical account is introduced. Furthermore, more research is required on the topic of mismatching learning manners and larning manners, its consequence on acquisition, and the conditions when such a mismatch is good in footings of either to support scholars and do larning more interesting for them or to accomplish long-run ends by coercing them to develop their failings. Another point of unfavorable judgment is the method for mensurating acquisition manners. Most learning manner theoretical accounts provide a questionnaire, where pupils are asked about their penchants with regard to the acquisition manner theoretical account. These questionnaires raise several jobs ( Sabine, 2007 ) . Questionnaires, in general, have to cover with the job that the given replies might non match to the existent behaviour the inquiries aim to look into ( Draper, 1996 ; Paredes and Rodriguez, 2004 ) . The usage of questionnaires in general and as an instrument for placing acquisition manners is based on several premises. First, the premise is made that pupils are motivated to make full out the questionnaire decently and to the best of their cognition about their penchants. Second, make fulling out a questionnaire about the preferable manner of larning requires that the pupils are cognizant of their preferable manner of acquisition. However, Stash, Cristea, and de Bra ( 2006 ) , for illustration, identified that the Masters pupils take parting in their survey about version to larning manners had merely small meta-knowledge on their acquisition penchants, and Merrill ( 2002 ) , for illustration, even argued that most pupils are incognizant of their acquisition manners. Third, societal and psychological facets such as the pupils ‘ beliefs about how people should act can act upon their replies on the questionnaire. Furthermore, utilizing questionnaires for placing learning manners trigger the premise that the acquisition manners are stable for a long period of clip. However, as discussed before, the stableness of larning manners is still a problematic issue. Equally shortly as learning manners alteration, the consequences of the questionnaires will non be valid any longer and pupils would hold to make it once more to place their new acquisition manners. However, this argues will do new issues, refering with look intoing how to descry when a acquisition manner changed and how to actuate pupils to make full out the questionnaire a figure of times. Another issue is the cogency and dependability of the questionnaires themselves. Harmonizing to Coffield et Al. ( 2004b ) , four standards have to be fulfilled as a minimal criterion for any instrument which is to be used to redesign teaching method: concept cogency, prognostic cogency, internal consistence dependability, and test-retest dependability. Construct cogency means that the instrument really measures the theoretical concept or trait that it purports to mensurate. Predictive cogency refers to whether the scope of behaviour can be seen to hold an impact on undertaking public presentation. The internal consistence dependability refers to the homogeneousness of the points intended to mensurate the same measure that is the extent to which responses to the points are correlated. The test-retest dependability measures the extent to which an person achieves the same consequence when executing the questionnaire twice within a specific period ( e.g. , one month ) . However, this tri al is based on the premise that larning manners are stable, at least during the trial period. Most learning manner questionnaires are tested harmonizing to these standards. However, instruments frequently lack one or several of these standards, research workers achieve inconsistent consequences or even place latent dimensions. Coffield et Al. ( 2004b, p. 56 ) argued that from the 13 major larning manner theoretical accounts they have identified and studied, merely three of the theoretical accounts â€Å" could be said to come near to run into such standards † . Another point that has to be highlighted, which is concentrating on tailoring classs through placing the acquisition manners without sing the complex sociopolitical forces in the larger society, ‘personal heat, trust and community ‘ ( Giroux, 1981:66 ) , or the different positions of feminist and anti racial behaviour, Laurillard ‘s decision is more convincing. She writes: â€Å" It would hence be risky for an probe of larning to continue on the premise that acquisition is a procedure that is independent of external factors, or those pupils ‘ posses ‘ inherent, invariant manners of larning † . ( 1979:408 ) That supported by Curry ( 1983 ) who proposes that larning manner theories and their encouraging instruments can be thought of in three degrees, resembling beds of an onion. This theoretical account has â€Å" cognitive personality manner † as comparatively stable at the nucleus, an intermediate and less stable bed of â€Å" information processing manner † ( Kolb LSI, for illustration ) , and an outer bed called â€Å" instructional format penchant index † leting for the person ‘s pick of larning environment. However, in MET ISSP as engineering enhanced acquisition, puting and altering these three degrees stated by Curry ( 1983 ) is possible. From all these debates, the decision can be drained that questionnaires have to cover with several jobs and limitations. Peoples who are utilizing such questionnaires for placing learning manners should hence be cognizant of these jobs and limitations every bit good as see the restrictions of the questionnaires when construing the consequences. Since the proper designation of larning manners is a important issue, challenge is to develop an attack that measures larning manners more accurately and faithfully, minimising the extent to be affected or restricted by other factors. In Chapter Thirty, the research worker will present an attack to carry on TEL based Maritime Education and Training onboard the preparation vas, which aims at get the better ofing the above mentioned jobs and limitations of questionnaires. Sum uping this subdivision, it can be concluded that several arguments and unresolved jobs still exist in the field of larning manners. It seems that we are still far manner from a theoretical account of larning manners that integrates all relevant facets of acquisition manners and provides a clear apprehension. However, the argument and unfavorable judgment of larning manners show challenges in the field, in add-on to the lake of any old surveies about using larning manners in the MET procedure. This thesis is an intercession that tackles some of the challenges and introduces new synergistic TEL attack which contributes to acquire closer to work out some of the mentioned jobs in the Maritime Education and Training and to be a mile rock in using the acquisition manners in a VLE for marine plebes. E-Learning: One of the most popular acquisition manner stock lists and one that is frequently used in distance acquisition and for grownup research is the Kolb ‘s Learning Style Inventory ( Kolb, 1986 ; Dillie & A ; Mezack, 1991 ; Dowdall, 1991 ; Diaz & A ; Cartnal, 1999 ; Miller, 2005 ; Liegle & A ; Janicki, 2006 ) .

Saturday, September 28, 2019

FDI Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

FDI Strategy - Essay Example It is running a thriving business almost in all major countries across the globe and conceivably that is the reason why it is known as the largest conglomerate retailer in the world. Wal-Mart is frequently known as a hypermarket, it works to sale diverse range of commodities and services to the buyers; like from pet shops to cellular phone stores, meat to dairy products. ‘Low price always’ is the catchphrase used by the famous retail organization commonly; it provides goods at the most viable and affordable prices (Stone, 1997). It is likely that majority of the clients of Wal-Mart have no bank accounts and their earnings are less than that of the general average income of the country (Stone, 1997).The company was established in 1962 and helped in serving a healthy contest for all the other small retailers in the economy. Wal-Mart stores are now making substantial amendment in their performances, measures and policies that would help to endorse the use of service animals by customers with disabilities (Lane, 2010). These animals play a chief role to serve independence to people with disabilities. The organization allows animals in their provisions that are well taught; to support people who are physically handicapped (Feed the Future, n.d.). Taking into consideration the world financial disaster the organization has currently changed its catch phrase to ‘Save Money Live Better’ and has efficiently reduced the price of many products sold by them. 2. Analyze the challenges and advantages of FDI for the MNE in the country you selected. The essay explains Wal-Mart’s business attempt in Egypt. The economy of Egypt is a growing economy. In 1990’s the country have received series of financial benefits from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The nation has received several debt reliefs due to its participation in the Gulf War. All these factors have been responsible for the nation’s considerable macroeconomic performan ces. From 2000 onwards the country has undertaken strict monetary and fiscal policies. These policies undertaken in the country have helped the nation to be liberal towards free market principles and made it open for prompt foreign investments. It is most advantageous for business firms like Wal-Mart to invest in emerging economies like Egypt. This is because these economies have infinite development potential within them. Investing in Egypt will help the company to dramatically improve its portfolios. On the other hand the political and economic conditions of an emerging economy are highly volatile thus it can give favorable or even unfavorable uncertainties to the foreign investors. Wal-Mart should not hesitate investing in Egypt because of the possibilities of unfavorable uncertainties, as this is common to any foreign investments made either in developed or in a developing economy. The markets of most of these economies are fast growing, thus foreign investors may diversify inve stments across several market segments. Moreover the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Egypt has been $527.6 billion in 2010, $536.9 billion in 2011 and $548.8 billion in 2012, shows a growing trend in the income level of the county (CIA, 2013). Thus if Wal-Mart invests in Egypt it would experience good market demand because along with the rising income level, the purchasing power of the consumers is improving. However there is a strong disadvantage that may arise as a challenge to Wal-Mart while investing in Egypt, the markets of emerging economies

Friday, September 27, 2019

Research and Reflections on Success and Failure in IM Management Essay

Research and Reflections on Success and Failure in IM Management - Essay Example In this report, the career profile of an information management specialist is chosen for discussion and analysis. An information management specialist is responsible for the management of information and data within an organization, for consulting and liaising widely in order to market and promote corporate information, for recording management practices, coordinating these practices with the availability and management of information resources in the business. Additionally, the responsibilities of an information management specialist also include providing high end corporate and legal advice regarding the workflows and management of corporate records and information in all the departmental units and locations of a business. The information management specialist also coordinates, evaluates, develops, implements maintains and reviews different departmental records and management policies, standards, procedures, systems, industry trends and guidelines so as to help the formulation of c orporate policies in accordance with various departmental requirements. The role of an information management specialist is most recognizable in a company which operates in a dynamic and advanced technological environment. The factors that contribute to the success and failure of the information management systems can be identified and evaluated through the research and study of different articles and interviews with Information Management professionals across the world. It can be seen by researching on the career profiles and career graphs of various information management professionals, that there are some basic fixed factors that are necessary for the success of professionals in these job roles. Also, there are few stipulated factors that are found to be the common causes of a failure of the individuals as information management professionals (Information professionals, 2012, p.1).

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Christianity and the World of Faith Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Christianity and the World of Faith - Essay Example Same is the case with love and tolerance which needs to be set in free so that people can understand how it is essential to inculcate a society which bases itself on growth and productivity of its own people. If they interact freely, it is taken as a plus point, and even Christianity accepts it with both arms wide open. Similarly, making education and healthcare free throughout the world will help the cause of any society of the world and hence help us get across the dictum of difficulties that have more bearing on the lives of the people that are seen possible (Rolfe, 2004). I opine that Christianity allows people to live freely and understand the real value of love, tolerance, compassion, and empathy. Christianity helps the people to evolve in a positive fashion which indeed is a good thing. Hence I see these three issues currently being signed for the different societies that exist within the world in the present times. My own core beliefs regarding Christianity surround the basis of doing well on to others so that it comes back in some form. Also, believe in God that he knows about everything and that Jesus was the noblest of men amongst all mankind. I base my beliefs on Christianity with what I have learned over the years as well as what my elders have told me over the years. I have seen devoted Christians during my lifetime who have always believed the basis of their religion because they tend to feel it this way. I am confident that Christians all over the world are proactively driven to bring goodness forward and this is one aspect that has been documented time and again (Emmett, 2011). From my perspective, Christianity is very close to being good to one’s own self as well as to the people who come in contact with this individual. I feel confident about Christianity because it provides peace of mind and heart.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Impact of the slave trade on western ideas of race has been Essay

The Impact of the slave trade on western ideas of race has been misunderstood - Essay Example A new trend developed once Europeans were travelling around the world, engaging in what they termed voyages of discovery. In many cases Christianity accompanied trade and conquest. Christianity adapted to local circumstances, in what is known as syncretism, and was backed by military force and commercial development. European sailors who have long been praised as discovering Africa, extending the scope of the known world, were in fact at the same time engaging in the African slave trade. Africa did not need to be discovered. It housed many mature civilizations, with complex economies and political systems. In 960, slavery was banned in Venice. On occasion enslavement of Englishmen was prohibited, while the French or Welsh could still be enslaved. In Italy, Spain and France, there came a time when slavery was no longer naturally viable. The change came later in England, after the Norman Conquest, but before 1200. The story was different in Southern Europe, bordering the Mediterranean, with wars between Christians and Muslims routinely accompanied by enslavement. In 1300 there were 30,000 Christian slaves in Granada. Islamic laws included benign treatment of slaves. ... There was a busy trade on the southern coast of the Mediterranean. Details are hazy, but Arab slave traders served a global market, with particular tastes such as black eunuchs. The black slaves were the more preferred ones. The blacks were well built and strong and used to do difficult tasks with ease and most importantly they don't ask questions. Christians have traditionally believed that their service to God provided the basis for their freedom and citizenship. This has led to a stress on obeying rules, and taking vows of obedience. This approach to service was undertaken by free will, and sometimes discussed in terms of enslavement. It contrasts with the horrors of chattel slavery, which were kept from the attention of the European population. Slavery and states' rights were divisive issues leading to the American Civil War. Principled positions came later. Pragmatism was dominant. Abraham Lincoln was committed to doing whatever was necessary to save the Union, and concluded that slavery had to be abolished. Following the Civil War, the period of Reconstruction showed that the attitudes, which had underpinned slavery, had not been destroyed through war. Racial prejudice continued. Britain abolished slavery in 1833, taking effect in 1838, but did not achieve the universal adult franchise until the twentieth century. Access to power was controlled. Social class, less visible than skin colour, remains a determining factor. One legacy of the former British Empire has been the flow of immigrants, descended from former slaves, or from the countries from which the slaves were taken. History is ever present. After the Second World War, European colonial powers like Britain had a labour shortage. They turned to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

English literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

English literature - Essay Example Cinderella is the hero in this case with her character changing from a poor and plain woman to a rich and powerful princess. She starts from a very cruel point of treatment especially by her stepfamily. In the story, Cinderella is a woman of reliance, employing her integrity to succeed in life. Even after the death of her real mother and father, she has to survive, but her survival if full of human virtues such being kind and gentle The story starts with a widower, Cinderella’s father, who had married a woman characterized by proud and arrogance among other vises. This woman became Cinderella’s father’s second wife. The woman had two daughters who like herself, the two daughters practiced human vises. Hardly did Cinderella’s father know that he was bringing trouble to his home and more specifically to his beautiful daughter. The man had had a beautiful daughter through his first wife, who by now had passed on. This girl in contrary to the two stepdaughters was full of goodness, kind heart, and sweet temper. This girl was Cinderella. Now that her mother had died, she had no one to lean on other than her father. She was strongly missing the gentle care and love of a mother, which her father could hardly provide to her (Anderson, pg.58). In order to survive, Cinderella had to adopt the prevailing situations of hatred and hard work. She was not used to such difficult times but she had to apply her integrity to the situation Problems hardly ended with her tough daily chores. After hard day of work, Cinderella would then return to her room, now a barren and cold room. She would have nothing to do or anyone to talk to other than curling herself near the fire place as she tried to get worm. Her stay close to the fire point in her lonely room made her arise covered in dirt and cinders. The case of cinder caused her nickname, â€Å"Cinderella.† She however protected her stepfamily from the anger of her father. She knew that her stepmoth er and her step sisters were ill-mannered but she was always kind to them. She only decided to adapt to their commands and mistreatments towards her. She was only hopeful that a time shall come when she shall have some freedom and be able to live by herself. No matter how long it takes, she shall be alright (Erhard, Jensen and Zaffron). What seems to be a turning point to her life happened when the Prince decided to invite all the young ladies within his land to a ball. The prince was planning to select a beautiful wife of choice from these ladies. Without her knowledge, the stepsisters gleefully decided to plan their wardrobes for this ball. To turn her back, the two stepsisters told Cinderella that maids were hardly allowed to attend the ball since they could hardly be invited. Cinderella also had to adapt this situation, but this time, she felt great pain that made her cry painfully. Miraculously, her Fairly Godmother appeared to her. The Fairly Godmother started to transform Cin derella to the young lady she was from her immediate condition of being a house servant. This transformation was done in order to get her to the ball just like any other girl. She now gained much power that she could even change a pumpkin into not only a carriage, but a golden carriage. She also turned mice into horses, lizards to footmen, and a rat to a coach man. The

Monday, September 23, 2019

E-Commerce Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

E-Commerce - Coursework Example - Sale staffs need to meet the clients in person to give a demonstration of the software and install them on clients computers, therefore lots of time and energy is wasted (for example in the traffic, because the company is close to a busy area). The company headquarters are seeking ways to sell the products and services online through a website. This way, the sale staff can stay in their offices provide support using telephone, email or even video conferencing. Clients will be able to find the details of the products and services online and at any time they need. - The research and development staffs do not see a necessity to be present at the office every single day. They are already working together through a computer network. They prefer a system to allow them secure access to the company’s website and work and communicate with other developers online. They need a space to securely share and update the files and get them to work altogether. - The company at the moment has more software staff than programmers. These staffs are the persons that need to meet every single client and help them with installing and using the software. Headquarters are thinking of providing support through a website with a complete help and support section since the number of clients is increasing every day. Electronic commerce is about using the internet for purchasing/selling products/services online. The number of internet users is increasing every single day and electronic commerce is representing itself as a real opportunity for companies to find new markets and provide their good and services more efficiently to their existing clients. There are enormous benefits for a company like Ictbuild Ltd. by using an e-commerce system. For example they will gain the access to the global market, they can sell their software, hardware and services without the need of middleman businesses and they can save time and energy for their sale staff. Apart from that,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Psychiatric Disorders, Diseases, and Drugs Essay Example for Free

Psychiatric Disorders, Diseases, and Drugs Essay There are five main psychiatric disorders and they are schizophrenia, depression, mania, anxiety disorders, and Tourette syndrome. Psychiatric disorders are â€Å"disorders of psychological function sufficiently sever to require treatment† Pinel, J. P. J. (2011). The main fact about these psychiatric disorders is that they are difficult to diagnose. They use the DSM-IV-TR to diagnose patients that is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. The first psychiatric disorder is Schizophrenia, this disorder is â€Å"the splitting of psychic functions† Pinel, J. P. J. (2011). This is a disease that breaks down the emotion, thought, and action, which is chaos or madness. Schizophrenia is divided into five different categories and they are disorganized, paranoid, residual, and undifferentiated. Each of these have their own set of symptoms, but schizophrenia affects a person’s behavior, logic, and emotions. There is positive symptoms and negative symptoms of schizophrenia. The positive symptoms are delusions, hallucinations, inappropriate affect, incoherent speech or thought, and odd behavior. The negative symptoms are affective flattening, alogia, avolition, and anhedonia. There was a neurodevelopmental theory of schizophrenia during the 20th-century two famines a Dutch and a Chinese famine had mother who were diagnosed with schizophrenia and these two by adults would most likely have it as well. The first antischizophrenic drug was chlorpromazine. This drug helps agitated patients and the severity of schizophrenic symptoms. Later reserpine was given, which is an active ingredient of the snakeroot plant. This was given to patients with schizophrenia, but was taken off for treatment because it caused a huge incline in blood pressure that could be fatal. Through these two together, the discovery of Parkinson’s disease came about. The dopamine theory of schizophrenia is caused† by too much dopamine and, conversely, that antischizophrenic drug exert their effects by  decreasing dopamine levels Pinel, J. P. J. (2011). People who suffer from schizophrenia have a decent amount of brain damage. The next ones are affective disorders, which include depression and mania. Everyone has depression at one time or another and it becomes stressful to you, your body, and even people around you. There is anhedonia â€Å"loss of the capacity to experience pleasure† Pinel, J. P. J. (2011). This is people who fall into despair for no apparent reasons, it just happens. When this happens, it causes them to slowly slip away from life and their normal daily routines and can be quite deadly to them if they fall too much. If this happens for more than two weeks then they might diagnose them with clinical depression, or major depressive disorder. The second affective disorder is mania, which is almost the total opposite of depression. Mania is â€Å"characterized by overconfidence, impulsivity, distractibility, and high energy. Depression and Mania are also under mood swings category. People who show mild mania might be talkative, energetic, impulsive, positive, and extremely confident. At this point, in a person’s mania they can do there day to day activities nicely but when it becomes extreme it can become a huge problem for them and possibly others around them. If there, mania becomes too extreme they will feel like nothing can stop them and it can get in the way of the many things that they are achieving in their lives. For people who are depressive they might experience episodes of mania and if they do experience mania they are known to suffer from bipolar affective disorder. The ones who do not suffer from mania are under unipolar affective disorder. Depression is under two categories and these are negative experience (reactive depression) and depression for no apparent reason (endogenous depression). Four main drugs are treatment for affective disorders and these are monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, selective monoamine reuptake inhibitors, and mood stabilizers. MAO inhibitors have several side effects and the most dangerous is called the cheese effect. Cheese, wine, and pickles all contain what they call tyramine and it causes high blood pressure when mixed with the MAO inhibitors. Tricyclic antidepressants don’t cause any major side effects and is safer compare to MAO inhibitors. SSRIs and Prozac don’t have many side effects and they help with other psychological disorders other than just  depression. They help with lack of self-esteem, fear of failure, excessive sensitivity to criticism, and inability to experience pleasure. They even help with the rates of suicides. The last one is mood stabilizers, which are antidepressant drugs, and they act against depression without increasing mania, or they act against mania without increasing depression (Bourin Prica, 2007). Mood stabilizers are very effective and help with epilepsy. Lithium is what calms a patient in the mood stabilizers, but they cause extreme nausea as well or major sickness. All in all the best treatment for depression is lamotigine, and the best for treating mania is lithium and carbamazepine. Monoamine theory of depression â€Å"holds that depression is associated with underactivity at serotonergic and noradrenergic synapses† Pinel, J. P. J. (2011). A nice remedy or alternative for coping with depression and is trying to stay motivated and exercise. Light exercises can help keep you calm and get used to your life again and keep you healthy after all the stress you have been put through already from all the stress. This helps because you release feel good brain chemicals, rude immune system chemicals, increase body temperature, gain confidence, takes your mind off worries, and cope in a healthy way (Mayo Clinic, 2013). Anxiety disorders relate to stress a lot. Anxiety disorders that are severe in patients make it hard to cope with day-to-day activities and they can’t function normally. People who have this have feelings of anxiety, which might include fear, worry, and despondency. When they get these type of symptoms it can lead to rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, nausea, breathing difficulty, sleep disturbances, and high glucocorticoid levels. There is five classes of anxiety disorders and they are generalized anxiety disorders, phobic anxiety disorders, panic disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and posttraumatic stress disorders. There are three types of treatments for these disorders and they are benzodiazepines, serotonin agonists, and antidepressants. Benzodiazepines, which are Librium and valium, are the usual medicines prescribed for treatment and they help as sleep aids, anti convulsants, and muscle relaxants. The side effects include sedation, ataxia, tremor, nausea, and a withdrawal reaction, which causes rebound anxiety. These drugs are also very addictive and sold illegally if not prescribed to the right people who really need them for short periods.  Serotonin agonists buspirone is used a decent amount in the treatment for anxiety disorders. This drug helps with producing anxiolytic, which is anti-anxiety, and it helps by not producing ataxia, muscle relaxation, and sedation. The side effects that it does cause are nausea, headache, and insomnia. Tourette syndrome is the last one to talk about, it is a psychiatric disorder, and its different from the other three already discussed which include schizophrenia, affective disorders, and anxiety. The main symptom of Tourette’s is the tics. Tourette syndrome is a disorder in which they call the tics, which is involuntary, repetitive, stereotyped movements or vocalizations. This disorder happens in younger people or young adults. Sudden jerks and eye movements are usually the first signs and eventually it worsens, as they get older. The common complex motor tics include hitting, touching objects, squatting, and hopping, twirling, and sometimes-lewd gestures. The common verbal tics include inarticulate sounds such as barking, coughing, grunting, uttering obscenities, repetition of another’s words, and the repetition of one’s own words. People with this disorder can live normal lives if they have supportive and understanding people around them. It can get in the way of making friends and even getting a job if people don’t understand their condition. The first of the treatments for this disorder is family, friends, the patient, and teachers be educated on the condition. The second part of the treatment is finding out the emotional problems such as anxiety or depression, after this the treatment will be taken for the patient symptoms. One treatment is neuroleptics, which reduce tics by about 70% if the patient can be given the drug. The side effects are weight gain, fatigue, and dry mouth. Comprehensive behavioral intervention for Tics (CBIT) is something that is new and it’s a behavioral therapy for TS and chronic tic disorders. This includes habit reversal and other strategies, which include education about tics and relaxation techniques. This is a very effective program that starts when the child is young and even adults and they try to find better ways for the kids and adults to fit in, in any type of situation including in school and jobs (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , 2013). References: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . (2013). Tourette Syndrome (TS). Retrieved from Mayo Clinic. (2013). Depression (major depression). Retrieved from Pinel, J. P. J. (2011). Biopsychology (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Power And Powerlessness Essay Example for Free

Power And Powerlessness Essay When I hear the word power many thoughts come to mind, but I feel power has many different forms. We could assume that power means more money, a bigger title, a corner office, a more generous budget, or â€Å"a seat at the table†. But that may not be true for everyone. For some, power may mean having the ability to control one’s career destiny in keeping with personal values and interests. Or power could mean having the opportunity to be creative as a project lead without too much interference from others. Or power could mean making decisions with trust and autonomy, such that no one can easily override your decisions. To me, power is control and the capacity to bring about change. For example, the United States government, they control everything and also other countries. Our government has the power to create and print money, regulate interstate and international trade, make treaties and conduct foreign policies, declare war, provide an army and navy, establish post offices, and make laws necessary to carry out these powers. In addition to their elusive powers, both the national government and state governments share the power of being able to; collect taxes, build roads, borrow money, establish court’s, make and enforce laws, charter banks and corporations, spend money for general welfare, and take private property for public purposes. Power is also acquired through possession or acquisition of the following resources: authority, money, status, knowledge, professional degrees, goods, services, votes, public support, information, ability to influence the media, and relationships with powerful people. Power can be derived from one’s authority to make decisions in organization s or by virtue of one’s gender, ethnicity, social class, or personal attributes, such as appearance and charisma. People often acquire power by establishing alliances and coalitions with others to support or oppose various policies or decision-making options. Workers in social service organizations also acquire power because they often decide whether individual clients receive services, resources, or referrals. But how would it feel to not have power, a sensation of being out of control with no apparent solution to help you to regain control, powerlessness. When the lack of capability to affect the realities of life that you can’t control such as; how others act towards you, if you will get a job you want, what the weather will be like, or if an accident will occur. Powerlessness can be simply defined as the absences of power resources. However, the â€Å"Mother of empowerment practice, Barbara Solomon (1976), defines powerlessness as a product of the interaction between individuals and the social structures that limit life opportunities for them: Powerlessness is defined here as the inability to manage emotions, skills, knowledge, and/or material resources in a way that effective performance of valued social roles will lead to pe rsonal gratification. The power deficiency so often seen among minority individuals and communities stems from a complex and dynamic interrelationship between the person and his relatively hostile social environment. When you feel powerless, you feel afraid to express your needs because you fear that what little you have will be taken from you. You may have learned powerlessness if you were kept in powerless positions repeatedly and/or over long periods of time, possibly during childhood, by those who used external forces (money, physical strength, legal status, and/or military force) to control you. You may have been abused as a child, a partner or spouse, an employee, a soldier, or you may have been the victim of racial or ethnic attacks. Such prolonged abuse can cause you to become afraid to feel even your own needs, to admit to yourself that you need something, you become immobilized and in certain critical ways you stop growing, you cease to thrive. When powerlessness is learned, it becomes self-perpetuating, even if the external forces are no longer there. An abused child may grow up to feel permanently powerless as an adult, even though his or her parents no longer have physical or economic power over him or her. One may then enter into a situation that repeats childhood experiences such as; living with or marrying an abusive partner, and therefore keeping oneself in externally imposed danger. Or one may keep oneself down through self-abuse, compulsive behaviors, and depression because the powerlessness has become internalized. The first step to overcoming learned powerlessness is to learn to feel entitled to your personal rights. You have the right to live a life free from physical, emotional, sexual, and financial mistreatment. You have the right to be treated with respect, to earn a livable income, to be informed of matters that affect you, and to express yourself freely, without harming others. Most importantly, you have the right to ask for what you need, even though you may be turned down, and to fight for what you need and want, even if you are turned down. Most people who have learned powerlessness barely feel entitled to speak, let alone to speak freely. Often professional therapy is necessary to overcome the ingrained patterns. Never the less, to overcome learned powerlessness, you must gradually, but persistently lay claim to each and every human right, one after the other. The purpose of the empowerment approach is to help people overcome feelings powerlessness by acquiring power. Mondros and Wilson (1994) differentiate power from â€Å"empowerment† by arguing that this second concept is actually a psychological state that â€Å"allows one to pursue concrete activities aimed at becoming powerful.† The literature on empowerment in organizations focuses on two distinct categories of organizations actors: program beneficiaries and staff members. Rapp, She ra, and Kisthardt (1993) define empowerment in individual clients as; confidence, control, decision authority, influence, autonomy, and self-trust.† According to Shera and Page (1995), empowerment of employees in organizations can be defined as, â€Å"a process of enhancing self-efficacy among organizational members through the identification of conditions that foster powerlessness and through their removal by both formal organizational practices and informal techniques that provide efficacy information.† Empowerment in the social services can take place within the context of relationships between workers and clients, within the organization’s formal decision-making structure, and within the contact between the organization and institutions or groups in its external environment. It should be noted that empowerment in organizations involves the redistribution of resources such as decision-making authority or goods and services. Therefore, in addition to producing specific outcomes, empowerment is a political process. Staff members may feel they will lose power and authority to make service decisions if clients are treated as equal partners in the decision-making process. Because one of the primary assumptions of empowerment in direct social work practice is to reduce feelings of powerlessness by increasing personal self-perceptions of one’s own power, the model focuses on facilitating the acquisition of leadership skills and actual political power among agency clientele. Staff members also acquire power through participation in organizational decision-making and by advocating for improvements in organizational policies and services. The organization gains political power as constituents become empowered to advocate for changes in government policies and campaign for meaningful social change. In conclusion, power, powerlessness, and empowerment all have a different meaning and serve a different purpose but each one has a powerful meaning in its own way.